Bug & Feature Tracker

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#Priority Type ID Title Object Date Comments Status View/Edit
  Page of 3   48 rowsShow
11Bug22'Show All' doesn't scroll in some browse...Query2009-04-035open
21New Feature27Move all navigation to URLAll2009-04-033open
31New Feature35User adjustable column widthsAll2009-04-060open
41Change54Freeze first 4 columnsEditing wordlist or ...2009-05-222open
51Bug101Position in paged view not preserved whe...many places where mu...2010-01-111open
61New Feature113Verification needed for deletionsDeletion2010-05-191open
71Bug117Logged in but not logged inentire site2011-06-140open
81Bug145Multiple rows of the same dataList view2013-11-141open
92New Feature14Download std lists and master liststd list & masterlis...2009-04-034open
102New Feature15Start and Listlength are not in the URLQuery2009-04-032open
112Appearance3Right most columns are clipped in IE7Query2009-04-031open
122New Feature33Custom sorting on the flyQuery2009-04-065open
132New Feature50Ability to edit the name of the sound fi...Audio file field2009-05-201open
142Change53Status change from Red to GreenApproval Status2009-05-223open
152Bug72Blank line in domain filterQuery2009-06-160open
162New Feature121Add LIFT supportsubmit/download2012-09-280open
172New Feature122hyperlinks in tracker and metadatatracker2012-10-050open
182Bug124Download Excel prompts warningQuery2012-10-250open
192New Feature125Add Download All Audioall2013-01-280open
202Change130urls to unapproved data worksall2013-08-020open